If you receive an authorization pop-up on the site, use these credentials:
User: gravyty
Password: gravyty.1
To login to the Gravyty admin portal, you will need to use two logins below.
Pop-Up LoginUsername: gravyty
Password: gravyty.1
Gravyty Login
Username: ivybot@ivy.ai
Password: UKporbMxMqfY2Dmvix@KXqko
**Do not change settings or responses in this org.
Use this form to request for new web content or bot element.
Non-profit page (Affinity Foundation) can be accessed at theaffinityuiversity.com/ngp
AI Overview
Customer FAQ’s
Demonstrate Creating a Bot < 1 Minute
Before beginning: Have a specific webpage from the institution identified to use.
1) Open the left-side panel. Select “Add new Bot".”
Enter Bot Name= Name of School or Dept
Bot Type=Select any bot type
2) Navigate to Brain->Web Pages->Crawl New Web Property->Crawl a Single Web Page
Input URL from school->Submit
3) From bottom left of navigation, open up Sandbox.
Ask a question of your newly created and trained bot.